Projango Agile
At blue elephant, we are using, SCRUM as our development methodology. Now Edgar, my project lead would scream and cry that we would not do it right, but we are doing agile development SCRUM-style, for me that is just fine. Doesn’t have to be the pure law
As the SCRUM tool of choice we use Projango the SCRUM project management of Xenatec. By pure coincidence Edgar is partner of Xenatec and co-author of Projango. Blue elephant has been, so to say, the major beta tester for Projango in the last year(s) and in the mean time this tool is our core tool for the development team.
The visually very nice Projango SCRUM-board is in daily use by the developers to work on their tasks so that everybody knows who is doing what as well as for time bookings. Using the board we do task break downs of the user stories and effort estimations in the team. Instead of someone writing the tasks in an excel to centrally enter them in a system, we immediately create the tasks, prioritize and estimate them online during our planning sessions.
Urgent customer requirements are entered in the backlog and linked via Weblinks with our bug tracking tool Jira.
The big advantage of Projango versus other SCRUM solutions, e.g. from Atlassian, is the very direct visual manipulation of stories and tasks. Just drag and drop them to prioritize or change the state. In-place editing and the engineer-images are very cool, so that one visually sees who’s working on or verifying a task. Also the impressive burndown chart and the generated MS Excel documentation help to manage and present R&D work in the organization.
We can only recommend Projango, so have a look!